

Swords: What Makes Them Strong?

Posted by Sword N Armory on Apr 1st 2018

Swords: What Makes Them Strong?
What makes up a great sword? The way it looks, it’s weighted blade, or maybe the sharpness of the metal. But without a strong metal, none of that matters. It won’t matter how sharp the sword is if the metal it’s made out of isn’t worth it. Snapping, cracking, irreparable swords can be both cost consuming and dangerous. Given the modern day cheap metal that’s used by most large companies, reputable swordsmiths and high priced swords usually are made out of carbon steel that has been blended with
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The Training Required by a Knight

Posted by Sword N Armory on Apr 1st 2018

The Training Required by a Knight
Knights were a critical component to both the military and political structures of the Middle Ages. Training was extensive and expensive, which’s why only young men of a certain social class were trained to become knights.Knight training started at the age of 7 and continued until the age of 21, at which point they were considered skilled enough to enter combat. Young boys of noble birth were sent to train with older knights, usually relatives, who served as mentors and teachers. The path to ful
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Parts of the Sword

Posted by Sword N Armory on Jan 30th 2018

Parts of the Sword
Swashbuckling and imagination capturing, who doesn't love a sword? It’s one of the options that people have been using as a personal defense for centuries. A bit of information about swords is discussed below, especially for those who are new to collecting them.BladeThe blade is the most impressive part of sword. It’s usually made of tempered steel and can be thin and sharp as in a rapier blade or it can be broad. A broad ax-type sword is probably the most common and well-known. The blade is the
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Top 3 Sword Video Games of All-Time!

Posted by Sword N Armory on Dec 30th 2017

Top 3 Sword Video Games of All-Time!
This article is about the three best video games of all time; that feature swords. No doubt some of the readers will not agree that each video game I pick deserves to be on this list, and that's cool, they can go read something else they agree with better. Also, this short list can't possibly list all the great games from this genre. Games are chosen from all platforms and are being ranked by how fun they are/were, and an extremely heavy dose of the author's opinion. These are the three best gam
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How Often Should I Conduct Sword Maintenance?

Posted by Sword N Armory on Nov 29th 2017

How Often Should I Conduct Sword Maintenance?
Swords have captured the imagination for many years, whether they are broadaxes, Samurai swords, or thin rapiers, individuals have long had a fascination with them. Sword collectors embrace their collections and may have a number of swords they enjoy. With that said, sword maintenance is something that any collector of swords should know.How to maintain swords that is the question? What does one do? There are certain essential steps one most go through in order to maintain a sword.Although some
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