
Finding High-Quality Tatami Omote Mats and Goza Mats for Cutting

Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 5th 2019

Finding High-Quality Tatami Omote Mats and Goza Mats for Cutting

High Quality Tatami Omote Mats

Tatami Omote Mat has quickly become one of the standard Tatami for serious people that deal in sword handling across the globe. The Tatami mat is made using straws obtained from rice.

The tatami mats come when they have already been packed in foil together with a pad of silicon to make the mat waterproof during transportation. The ends of the mat are bound together using wires such that you will have to cut the wires before trying to cut it with a blade.

The tatami omote mat is of high quality. Many have complimented it, for being the perfect material to use for cutting. Our experience with this mat for the last five years has indeed convinced us that it is one of the best high-quality mats for cutting around the globe.We highly recommend the mat to those who practice Rameshgiri on a regular basis.

High-Quality Goza Mats

Goza mats are also one of the high-quality best-selling mats for cutting from Japan. The mats are very light and very portable hence can be transported with a lot of ease. The Goza mats are commonly used for test-cutting by many martial arts practitioners and also yoga.

We assure you that the Goza mats will not disappoint at any cost when it comes to quality user experience. The mats are well-designed so as to suit the needs of the users.

Both Tatami Omote and Goza mats are available on our website for a great deal.