Mastering the Beautiful Varieties of Bokken
Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017
Anyone interested in Kenjutsu training, or in learning Kendo or laido will appreciate the wide variety of impressive wooden bokken available from our website. With many different selections and styles, we offer people who are fascinated by Japanese martial arts the opportunity to sample different bokken woods and models in order to locate the perfect individual match.BokkenA carved bokken can function as a weapon in the hands of a highly skilled martial arts expert. However, typically, thes
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The Proper Way to Sharpen Your Sword
Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017
Set yourself up some place where you're agreeable and have a lot of light, lay your sword on the table and prop it up with a square of wood or something comparative.Stage OneUtilizing even, measured strokes at a 30 degree point, continue to start forming the edge with your record - checking strokes each one in turn down the length of the sharpened steel one way, then turning it over and doing likewise on the other side.Focus that you don't take excessively of one side, simply continue recording
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Medieval Journal Writing
Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017
In the era of what most would call “medieval times”, journals often played a significant part in the lives of many different people. Though most have been what could be considered functionally illiterate in regard to the standard alphabet of their culture, anyone could develop their own system to record their knowledge and experiences. Using a combination of known words, simple characters, and even pictures, the life histories and craft knowledge of a multitude have been chronicled in journals.W
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The Beginning of the Letter Openers
Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017
Although letter openers have been in use for as long as people have been sealing their letters in envelopes, there’s very little specifically written about them. The biggest reason behind this is that they’re seen as simply a tool. They were often nothing more than a stylized knife made simply to open letters. This means letter openers are generally seen as unimportant as both a knife, and a decoration. The lack of focus on this small trinket makes doing any real research on letter openers throu
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Can Video Games make you a Better Sword Fighter?
Posted by Sword N Armory on Aug 31st 2017
A Brief HistoryLooking at video games through the ages, you most likely
wouldn't think they would become the media giant it is in the market today.
From 8-bit pong to old school Legend of Zeldafor
the NES, we've seen a lot of growth. From then to now, the growth and
development is staggering. We now have games featuring motion controls and
movement tracking cameras built into the games and systems. It then leads you
to wonder, "Will it make me better at this in real life?"Video Games into
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