Hand-to-Hand Combat: Native Americans Vs. Ninjas
Posted by Sword N Armory on Jul 8th 2019
The Native Americans vs. Ninjas,
an interesting concept, right? It's actually not too far-fetched, and it does
make for interesting combat. However, these two groups have two totally
different styles. One’s more upfront, the other’s more elusive. If these two
were to meet, it would be on their own terms.With that said, let's see what this battle would
look like from both perspectives.NinjasIn my opinion, a ninja would win purely based on
the art of subtly. They’d adapt to their surrounding
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Spear Throwing: Precision and Accuracy
Posted by Sword N Armory on Jul 8th 2019
all of the hi-tech gadgetry that we’ve access to today, it's hard to imagine a
stick as "hi-tech". At one time it was. Clubs and spears were the
first tools that man developed to hunt, fish and fight. It's one of the most
distinguishing factors in our early evolution.History
Leading Up to Today TimesEarly spears are
estimated to have originated a half a million years ago. First as a straight
wooden stick, sharpened to a point on one end. Then we attached sharpened
stones to improve
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How Accurate was the Film: Gladiator?
Posted by Sword N Armory on Jul 8th 2019
The movie 'Gladiator' did an accurate job of depicting actual events of the time. However, there were a few things that probably didn’t occur the way in which the movie had presented the events. Most movie recreations attempt to make the events as real and accurate as possible.Facts vs. RealityThe movie Gladiator essentially depicts the reign of Emperor Commodus:1. Commodus became the emperor after his father’s death.2. The film tells the story of the reign of Commodus.3. It’s unlikely that Comm
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Functional Armor
Posted by Sword N Armory on May 14th 2019
At Sword
N Armory, you can grab all of the authentic armor that you need in order to
complete your collection of period-accurate medieval weaponry and armory. Whether you’re preparing for a reenactment or
you’re just an avid collector, Sword N Armory has everything that you need to
completely outfit yourself as a warrior from the middle ages.As you probably know, medieval armor has a fascinating
history, and throughout the middle ages, the armor that was used to defend
soldiers experience
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Getting Tactical at Sword N Armory Tactical Backpack and Tactical Vest
Posted by Sword N Armory on May 14th 2019
Ready to get tactical?
Sword N Armory is about so much more than reenactment pieces and
high-end, custom-made weaponry. We’ve
also got highly resilient, high-grade military gear that can benefit you whether
you’re an avid hiker or a member of service.Generally speaking, there are two essential items that
every outdoorsman should have in his collection, and those are the tactical
backpack and the tactical vest. Both of
these items are extremely practical, not to mention incredibly durab
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